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- Problem Management Software
- Service Asset & Configuration Software
- Service Level Management Software
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IncidentMonitor™ ITIL Change Request Management Software
Change Request Management Software objective according to ITIL® Service Transition - ST 4.2.1. is to ensure standardized methods and change management procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all change requests ; all changes to service assets and configuration items are recorded in the Configuration Management System; and, overall business risk is optimized.
IncidentMonitor™ Change Request Management Software
IncidentMonitor™ Change Request Management Software provides the work flow and integration with supporting ITIL® processes to allow your organization to be up and running with an industry-proven change request process in just a few days. For customers requiring support for their own specific work flows and process, IncidentMonitor™ can be easily adapted to support specific requirements. Because of IncidentMonitor™ advanced framework, modification of the change management process can be done in hours or days, not weeks or months.
IncidentMonitor™ Change Management Software provides
- Point, Click, Drag and Drop Process Designer. Simple-to-use designer to quickly update, change and create change process flows. Easy to link to your Service Catalog.
- A 360° view of all ongoing, planned, successful and unsuccessful change requests.
- Fully integrated with other ITIL processes, such as Release and Deployment and Service Asset and Configuration Management to ensure that all changes are completely vetted, approved, managed and implemented after each mandatory step in the change process is completed. The integration with Incident and Problem Management ensures that your agents can view all active or implemented changes and link Incidents and Problems to Changes.
- When processing Change Request Management Software records you are able to view scheduled changes and view a graphical "where am I" view of the change, complete with future mandatory steps.
- Webforms with custom work flows
- Webform and email approval options
- Fully integrated to the service catalog
- An underlying change configuration to ensure that the change is routed to the appropriate individual or group for approvals or change tasks.
- Escalations and notifications which are easily configurable to support your specific requirements.
- Change calendar
The Service Management framework enables you to easily design and implement more complex processes including multi-level authorization, voting and risk calculation, to name but a few. No one knows change in your environment like you do. We provide you the framework to easily adapt change to your environment - the way you do it!
Some features of the out of the box Change Request Management Software process
- Entitlement-based view of changes for both contacts and resources
- Out-of-box functionality to manage major, minor and emergency changes
- Out-of-box work flow to manage multiple levels of CAB involvement based on the type of change
- Multiple approval levels, which is easily configured to support your requirements. The approver can be directed to a secure web page for approvals.
- Change calendar which displays all scheduled changes and provides drill down capability to view specific change details
- Graphical view of the life cycle of the change including all completed and outstanding steps
- Fully integrated with Service Level Management to ensure all OLAs and SLAs are tracked and managed
- Out-of-box interactive and scheduled reports. Customer-specific reports can also be easily created
- Out-of-box work flows, which are easily configured to support any customer specific requirements. Supports any combination of serial, parallel or adhoc work flows
- Integrated auto routing of change tasks and approvals
- Fully integrated with Release and Deployment Management
- Fully integrated with Service Asset and Configuration Management. Configuration Items (CIs) cannot be changed unless the CI is linked to a change
- Bi-directional integration with other ITIL® processes, such as Request Fulfilment, Incident and Problem Management Software
Change Management Software Graphical Overview
Workflow designer in IncidentMonitor. For more info read the workflow designer information.
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IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL) is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.