Are you considering an ITIL Implementation or Improving your current Implementation

How Much ITIL Does Your Organization Really Require

ITIL has become more widely accepted and many organizations have adopted the framework. Larger organizations were the early adopters of ITIL, more recently small to medium sized businesses are implementing ITIL and realizing the benefits of documented, streamlined processes.

In this document we’ll discuss;

  • Why ITIL has become so prevalent within Information Technology;
  • With this prevalence should you implement ITIL;
  • If ITIL fits your organizational needs how to best approach an implementation

Why is ITIL so prevalent?

Companies depend on IT. Problems with hardware, software or access to corporate systems can result in a significant impact to the performance of employees, departments or even the company. ITIL was developed to achieve better quality IT services through the efficient and financially responsible use of IT resources. ITIL also allows IT organizations to concentrate on the services required by the customer, rather than focusing on technologies.

For example, an upgrade of business-critical software can have a significant impact on the organization if it is not coordinated and managed correctly. Imagine that a business-critical application is upgraded and the new release was not properly tested. The service desk stresses out as many users log incident requests and cannot do their job. Service desk agents can get very frustrated especially if change, release and deployment processes that could have prevented this situation were in place. This upgrade can cause the service desk to firefight, employees to be unproductive and it can have a negative financial impact on the business. Documented, best-practice processes could have prevented this failure from occurring and the subsequent negative impact.

According to Gartner, companies identified improved customer satisfaction after implementing ITIL. Communication and information flows between IT Staff and customers improved. This immediately caused a reduction of cost. Forrester studies show that over 80% of businesses who implemented ITIL believe it improved their organizational productivity and service quality.


We strongly believe that Service Excellence is the differentiator for any company today. As competition gets stronger and quality of products continuous improve. The use of service desk software is common practice in large organizations. Simply because it allows them to get total control over their help desk and ITIL processes. Service can be provided to the organization in a consistent and pre-defined manner. Service Desk Software, help desk software offer incredible benefits to the small and medium sized companies as well. Especially the tools become more advanced and various highly advanced tools are available at a very affordable price. As it might be overkill for a small company with perhaps 10 employees there are many ideas to use the software even for companies of this size.

This white paper gives you more info about ITIL and the implementation.

Download the document and get some great idea's. The next chapters in this white paper are:

  • Should you implement ITIL?
  • So how can you start?
  • ITIL process implementation

Download the full document here. No need to leave your details.

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